Financial Cryptography '04

Eighth International Conference
9-12 February 2004, Key West, Florida, USA

Program Chair   Ari Juels
General Chair Hinde ten Berge
Sponsorship Chair Nicko van Someren

Financial Cryptography is the premier international forum for education, exploration, and debate at the heart of one theme: Money and trust in the digital world. Dedicated to the relationship between cryptography and data security and cutting-edge financial and payment technologies and trends, the conference brings together top data-security specialists and scientists with economists, bankers, implementers, and policy makers. Intimate and colorful by tradition, Financial Cryptography includes a program of invited talks, academic presentations, technical demonstrations, and panel discussions. These explore a range of topics their full technical and interdisciplinary complexity: Emerging financial instruments and trends, legal regulation of financial technologies and privacy issues, encryption and authentication techologies, digital cash, and smartcard payment systems -- among many others.

Financial Cryptography 2004 will take place at Holiday Inn Beachside, Key West, USA, from February 9th to February 12th, 2004. 




This conference is organized annually by the International Financial Cryptography Association.